Deniz Genç

Welcome to my website!

If you want to find out what I'm working on and learning about, you've come to the right place!

My repositories on GitHub


Cryptopals is an online coding challenge with the aim of teaching people the basics of cryptography. My repo contains my attempts at solving the set of problems.


This repo contains a Python script ( that takes an input file, and it into a "ROT file", a type of (what I believe is) a one-time pad. The specification for the ROT file type is provided in the file ROT file spec.txt.


Brief Karate Foolish is an independently produced fighting game, released on Steam for PC in November 2016. The game did not have a button configuration menu in game, which caused headaches for people (like me) that wanted to use their controllers instead. I decided to fix the issue, and so the repo brief-karate-set was born.

To do this I needed to discover and learn a Python library that would allow me to interface with joysticks. I eventually settled on Pygame, and I ended up with a script that did do some automation. This was also my first experience merging a pull request on one of my own repositories! There's still a lot to be desired (for example it does not have a GUI), and I plan to improve it a bit more in the future.


This repository is relatively basic - I wanted to make a clone of the tree program that's available on Windows, in Python. The reason for this is that I have a pretty large music collection on my desktop PC that I want to keep synchronised with my phone, and instead of using a somewhat sane solution like cloud storage I just locally copy files over, use python on both my desktop and my phone, then diff the outputted TREE.TXT file to see what differences there are.

Definitely not an optimal solution, but I made it. So I use it occasionally.

One feature of this script is that it looks for a file called EXCLUDE.TXT, which tells the script to exclude certain files/folders from the output, so only the folders I want to compare get output to the tree.

Links and credits